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Tring summit and Cowroast

We awoke to a rather cloudy Monday morning, not the dark rain laden sort of cloud that has dogged Britain this summer but more the colour of dirty dishwater type of cloud colour. We worked up through Slapton lock and then took on water before setting off again just before nine o’clock. We did the next lock on our own before we caught up with a lone locker with whom we worked up the next two locks before he pulled up so that he could go to work. We generally bumbled on until we reached Marsworth where we dumped our rubbish and emptied the toilet. The White Lion and the tea room are closed now at Marsworth which is rather sad but we were moving on anyway. We shared some of the seven locks which took us up to the Tring summit but otherwise it was more bumbling. We stopped outside the Grand Junction Inn and  had a superb lunch there, not cheap but worth every penny. After that, we crossed the summit and stopped at Cowroast marina where we took on diesel, emerging back on to the cut, we turned left and moored below the lock. For the sake of completeness we walked back up to the pub and checked it out, purely in the interest of scientific research of course.