Change Of Marina.
We have been moored at Bosworth Marina for about a year now but we moved the boat to Hinckley’s Trinity Marina the weekend before we started our holiday. Market Bosworth is a beautiful marina and we have really enjoyed our time there but we wanted to move the boat to Hinckley because the marina is just across the road from the apartment that we have recently bought and moved into. Caxton was used as a live aboard by both of the previous owners and was always kept clean and very well looked after but because we only have weekends and holidays on the boat, we don’t really want to spend the time cleaning and polishing but the move to Hinckley will mean that I can go and clean the boat while George is at work. I can also get the boat set up each Friday morning, ready to go out for the weekends. Another reason that we wanted the boat across the road from where we live is that we can sleep on the boat when children and grandchildren come to visit and they can sleep at the apartment.
We have not blogged much recently because we have been very busy changing several things on the home front. We have a four bedroom house at the minute which has more space than we need and a garden which would still need tending while we are away. We see the house as a bit of a tie really, so we are going to put it up for sale shortly. In the meantime we have bought a two bedroom apartment just two streets away from the house and we have moved into it. It is a lovely apartment which we decorated before we moved in, hence the reason that we have been too busy to do much boating and blogging. The apartment is on the middle floor of a three storey building and has Juliet balconies in both the lounge and the main bedroom making it lovely and bright. It is right by the canal too, so another plus.
Great Send Off.
We had a lovely day in Market Bosworth and only had two drinks each in the pub after all because we wanted to be outside in the sunshine. It was a great day with the streets lined with people giving Richard 111 a fabulous send off. After it was all over we started to make our way down the hill and I was hurrying a bit too fast and ending up falling off the kerb and banging my head on the pavement. George took me to A & E where they thoroughly checked me over and we are home now. I have badly grazed hands and knees and a big egg sized lump on my cheek with accompanying bruise. I am now going to sit here and let my lovely husband pamper me all evening.
The Sun is Shining
The sun is shining on Market Bosworth today and we are getting ready to walk into town. As George said today is the day of King Richards funeral cortege so there are many celebrations going on which should be great fun……but he did fail to mention what he is most looking forward to so I will tell you. The landlady of ” The Dixie Arms ” told us that she will be opening the bar in the cellar and that the staff will be dressed as serving wenches, of course it will upset him if they all turn out to be men. We will be putting our drunken post on this evening unless we are too drunk of course.
Fantastic Marina
We had a very peaceful nights sleep on our new berth. This morning we walked to Market Bosworth station and saw the steam train passing through. There is a lovely little tea room which is open at the weekends only.Tomorrow we are going to catch the train to Shackerstone because this weekend they have a show which includes old working boats, a superb array of field events and display aircraft. We then walked into Market Bosworth and visited a lovely little cafe.
We are now back at the boat and sitting in the cratch….aka conservatory looking out over the marina and the fields beyond and we have just been treated to a great view of the display aircraft performing at Shackerstone which is a couple of miles away.
We had high expectations of this marina and we have not been disapointed. Both the owner Helen and the manager Chris have made sure that everything is ok for us. If you want a lovely marina in a great lock free location then you really should consider Bosworth marina.
Bread with the crusts cut off.
George still has a poorly mouth so I have been feeding him accordingly. He can’t bite on anything too hard so I made some bread yesterday and I have been cutting the crusts off for him. I also made him some pale green soup for lunch and then he had cottage pie this evening.
I know that you are all thinking how lucky he is, having such a good wife and I totally agree.
I chilled a bottle of bubbly to celebrate our arrival at Caxtons new home, poor George can’t drink any of it because of his anti-biotics. I am a good wife though, so I will drink it all myself so that he does not have to suffer seeing the bottle in the fridge.
I am about to pop my cork so ” cheers “.
Poor George
George had a really bad night because he was in lots of pain and then overnight one side of his face had swollen very badly. We went off to the dentist and he was given a shot of four days anti-biotic in one go. He was also given another seven days worth and then he has to go back and have the offending crowned tooth taken out. He is having a bit of a nap at the minute because he is so tired. I feel so sorry for him because he was really enjoying this much needed holiday. Hopefully when these drugs kick in he will start to feel a bit better.
We have moved on to Stoke Golding today and will be going into Market Bosworth Marina tomorrow. I have been sitting in the conservatory and lots of working boats have gone by on their way to the Shackerstone festival at the weekend. I hope George is feeling better by then because he was looking forward to us catching the steam train from Market Bosworth to Shackerstone to take a look at the events.
Why don’t men do as they are told.
We had a lovely day yesterday eating lunch at ” The Greyhound “. I had a crazy moment and offered to buy lunch, so George almost ran to the pub with delight. We consumed a little too much booze and spent the rest of the day sitting chilling out in the conservatory.
George lost a crown a couple of weeks ago and went to the dentist to have it stuck back in and over the last couple of days it has begun to ache a bit so yesterday morning I told him to phone and book an appointment with his dentist for today because we were going to be back in Hinckley, ” I will phone tomorrow” says he. He then had a night of restless sleep and pain killers so before we set off this morning I said ” Ring and book in for later today “, to which he replied ” I will phone when we get to Hinckley ” When we tied up he phoned and they can’t get him in until tomorrow. The toothache is getting worse so I have given him some codeine. His tooth is still aching but he is a bit spaced out so it is not as bad for him.
We have tied up at ” The Lime Kilns ” as it is only about twenty minutes walk from our house and George can then go by car to the dentist. I have just walked along the towpath and picked some blackberrys which I will make into a coulis, I suppose that means that I will have to make dessert to go with it…..yum.
We had the rest of the green soup for lunch so I am now about to make some orange soup for tomorrow.
Tonight I am making pork tenderloin with a pepper sauce served with new tatties, glazed carrots, roasted cabbage with sesame seeds and peas.
My conservatory.
We travelled from Ansty to Coventry today encountering a lot of rain on the way. I have decided that I am not very good at driving the boat when it is raining so I let George drive most of the way while I sat in my conservatory drinking coffee and knitting. We passed a man who was walking along the towpath taking pictures and he waved and smiled but thinking that I could not hear him, he shouted to George ” I see she has got the easy job “…cheeky bugger, hope his camera gets wet.
By the time we got to Coventry basin it had stopped raining so George announced that he would take me out for lunch and then said that we could have the rest of the green soup for tea…….I think that he is delaying the consuming of the rest of the green soup.
Green Soup.
We are sitting at Ansty watching the boats passing by, some of them a bit too fast. They are receiving my icy glare, but the buggers are not turning to stone.
While we were travelling I made some soup which consisted of watercress, onion, garlic, spinach, peas and some vegetable stock. When it was finished,I whizzed it up and added some low fat creme fraiche and my green soup was delicious. I thought that it would be a very healthy lunch for us and if only I had stopped at that it would have been fine, but no…. I had a scone with jam and clotted cream too……It was bloody lovely though.
I am sitting in the conservatory now enjoying the sunshine whilst doing some knitting and drinking coffee……..Ah, this is the life.