Familiar Weather Patterns
We were last in Stratford (by boat) in June 2012 and the similarities in the weather are astounding, maybe it’s just that type of place!
The rain battered down between 1am and 2am but otherwise we had a peaceful night on our riverside mooring. It was nine o’clock by the time we got up, showered and dressed; Sue did some boat tidying and I made yet another attempt to sort out my laptop which had been messed up with the windows 10 upgrade. We were both successful in our tasks so just after midday when the rain had eased, we walked into town. I still needed to run some windows updates but was concerned about the amount of mobile data their downloading would use up. Sue suggested that I could take the laptop to the local Wetherspoons where I could use the free wifi. I was torn, what a dilemna! Sitting in Wetherspoons on my own would obviously mean that I would have to forego the treat of traipsing around the shops but Sue was insistent so I made the sacrifice and sat in the pub for an hour.
My work was almost finished by the time Sue returned so we had a bite to eat before we left.