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St George’s day

After spending the first part of the week in Scotland and this morning in London I was glad to see the opportunity of getting out on the boat. Sue as usual had made preparations and we were out of the marina just before four o’clock, not before we had engaged in a bit of banter with one of our floating neighbours who managed to scrounge a home made biscuit from us. The sun shone and the wind was light as we made our way up the Ashby canal. We were approaching the end of the linear moorings when we encountered an Ashby hire boat that managed to collide with the end boat, home of the Ashby Pirates. Our friend Lee was enjoying the sunshine with the owners at the time of the incident but he still found time to give us a bit of friendly abuse as we passed by.

We tied up before we reached Sutton Cheney and ate our evening meal out on the front deck.